woensdag 20 januari 2010


This one's for Shi, it was one of her best quotes ever, and just enforced my ideas that her fam is crazy x3

~> Shi: LOL; my mum, just threw, a cucumber from our balcony.
~> Me: Lmao....
~> Shi: You throw it in a bin than lol

Totally randomn and out of the blue, it made me crack up;and believe that in Frankfurt everything's binned out of the window.
So like her mom says, and I quote:

'Shall the animals have a nice dinner'

3 opmerkingen:

  1. INDEED! Come to moi and let them nom your garbage :D

    I shall thank you for immortalizing me <3

    And you gotta admit it gave us a fine lol that day xD

  2. it sure left me immobile for 30 minutes... my sides are still soar from the laugh cramps xD
