woensdag 20 januari 2010


First to proof I usually don't have a bad hairday; it keeps on bugging me that there's about three sec in which my bangs look like shiz, damn rain T.T .
Still I had fun doing this; was like the best detention ever.
So enjoy this vid ( school assignement of 5AVV) which was produced by Stef Jansen; love the intensity of the final result, so tribute time <3.

A.d.a.k; created, produced and all that shiz by Stef Jansen ( 5AVV a); go go go credit!

6 opmerkingen:

  1. psh wat is het nie sexy? ben echt vies trots op die vid xD maar ik ben altijd trots op al mijn performances omda ik het gewoon graag doe <3

  2. lemme repeat it ;D 'you junkie xD!' i really like that comment it best describes your role haha xD

  3. lol you dunno how funny the first time I had to do that scene was... xD
